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Catholic Ireland is Dead and Gone

On May 25, voters in the Republic of Ireland will go to the polls in a referendum on whether access to abortion should be widened. The Eighth Amendment, which was added to the constitution in 1973, “acknowledges the right to…

Evelyn Waugh: From Savage to Sober

The English military historian John Keegan has described Evelyn Waugh’s Put Out More Flags as “the greatest English novel of the Second World War.” Impressive praise given the competition, especially Waugh’s own highly regarded trilogy of World War II, Sword…

The Absurdity and Joy of Being a Local Newspaper Reporter

CareerCast just released its annual list of “the worst jobs in America,” and for the fourth year running, newspaper reporter came out on top. The rankings take into account “hiring outlook, income, stress, and environment.” Newspaper reporters apparently face a…