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N.E.R.D.’s New Wave |

Last year, I spent some time browsing through post-punk and New Wave albums from the late nineteen-seventies and early nineteen-eighties. I heard a jagged, wobbly combination of punk, pop, funk, disco, and sometimes reggae, pioneered by kids too frail for…

How Carob Traumatized a Generation |

A wry disgruntlement will forever unite those of us who were children during the height of the nineteen-seventies natural-foods movement. It was a time that we recall not for its principles—yes to organics, no to preservatives—but for its endless assaults…

California Makes Marijuana a Wellness Industry |

By the time recreational marijuana usage became legal in California, on New Year’s Day, the government’s official permission seemed, for many Californians, like a belated, nearly irrelevant formality. Twenty-two years of ready access to medical marijuana had made casual consumption—a…