Trump: Tens of Thousands of Illegally Received Votes Totally, Easily Changing Pennsylvania Results

While the vote counting still continues in the US, several key states, most notably Pennsylvania and Georgia, have recently flipped from leaning towards Trump to Biden over the course of the last few days.

US President Donald Trump has renewed his criticism of the practice of the state voting authorities receiving mail ballots after the polls closed on 3 November, arguing that these ballots were counted illegally and drastically changed the results of the election there, which are yet to be officially announced.

POTUS went on to slam authorities in Pennsylvania for purportedly preventing GOP observers from witnessing the counting process, resulting in Trump losing his lead over Biden in the state. He claimed that local officials went to great lengths to prevent the observers from having access and that “bad things happened inside” the polling stations as they counted the ballots unobserved.

The Trump campaign has been demanding to stop counting votes that came by mail after the polls closed, calling such ballots “illegal”. They also accused Democrats of engaging in voter fraud, which combined with the “illegal” ballots turned the tide in favour of Biden in several key states recently, specifically Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

These allegations were rejected by state officials, but the president’s campaign vowed to dispute the election results in the Supreme Court, demanding to stop counting and to throw out the so-called “illegal” votes. So far, this has only resulted in the Supreme Court ordering Pennsylvania authorities to segregate all ballots that came in late as the court continues to review the suit.

The president also announced that his legal team would be fighting to initiate a recount in the states, where election fraud allegedly took place. One such suit, in Michigan, was discarded by a US judge over a lack of evidence. At the same time, Georgia’s Voting System Implementation Manager, Gabriel Sterling, announced that the state, where Trump recently lost his lead, will initiate a recount due to the razor-thin margin between the two candidates there.


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