PRP therapy training

PRP therapy training
PRP therapy training

PRP therapy

PRP-therapy is a relatively young direction in the treatment of joint diseases, based on the regenerative properties of platelet-rich blood plasma. This method of treatment does not cause allergies, does not affect liver and kidney function. A modern instrument of aesthetic medicine that allows you to rejuvenate and restore the skin in a natural way, using injections of autologous plasma obtained from the patient’s own blood and enriched with platelets (more than 1,000,000 platelets in 1 μl, 2 ml volume), is injected locally into the areas requiring treatment … It is used in the treatment of such nosologies as: photoaging, chronoaging, acne and post-acne, cicatricial deformities, alopecia.

Benefits of the procedure

The procedure allows you to achieve the best result, shorten the rehabilitation period before and after procedures injuring the skin, stimulate the skin’s own regenerative response


An evidence-based procedure that has been clinically proven to be effective. More than 100,000 procedures have been performed worldwide. PRP-therapy is a new procedure in Russia, but for more than 15 years it has been widespread in Europe, and has managed to establish itself as a highly effective procedure with more than 10,000 studies and scientific publications.

Benefit 2 in 1

There are two plasma concentrations in one test tube, and these are two new procedures at once in the price list of your office / clinic.

Effective and minimally invasive Anti-Age 45+ procedure

Now a 45-year-old patient can get the desired effect with the help of a natural procedure, without dropping out of social life during the rehabilitation period. The procedure allows you to deal with more complex stages of photo and chrono-aging (stages 3-4) without resorting to serious surgical methods of treatment.

Available PRP Therapy Course Formats

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Online Courses will help doctors who are interested in expanding the treatment options for their patients. Available PRP therapy course formats:

  • Plasmolifting PRP Gel Therapy in Aesthetic Medicine: Wrinkles and Fine Lines Treatment, Post-Acne Scars Reduction, Correction of Skin Irregularities – 8 Lessons.
  • Plasmolifting, PRP and Other Methods of Regenerative Therapy Based on Autologous Blood Plasma. Book by R.R. Akhmerov – 12 Lessons.
  • Plasmolifting PRP Technology in Aesthetic Medicine and Trichology Course – 17 Lessons.

PRP Certification Training Courses combine conceptual and practical modules to provide a comprehensive understanding of basic and advanced methods and treatments.

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