Arguing that mankind stands on “a great threshold in the human history of space exploration”, the lead author of the new study claims that signs of extraterrestrial life could be discovered in the next 15 years.
A new discovery is leading scientists to believe that life can exist in a hydrogen atmosphere, dramatically increasing the number of plants where aliens could live, the Daily Star reports.
According to the newspaper, a new study published in Nature Astronomy shows that two kinds of single-celled microorganisms, Escherichia coli and yeast, “that normally do not inhabit H2-dominated environments”, can actually “survive and grow in a 100 percent H2 atmosphere”.
As study lead Sara Seager, a planetary scientist at MIT in Cambridge, explained, this discovery essentially means that the so called rocky “super Earths” may harbor life after all.
Seager also remarked that we will likely find signs of extraterrestrial life in the next 15 years, and that “we stand on a great threshold in the human history of space exploration.”