MON unyielding. Military conscription without the right to appeal

Should there be a legal possibility to appeal to an administrative court against a call-up to military service or reserve training? The Ministry of National Defense responds unequivocally – writes Friday's “Rzeczospolita”.

MON unyielding. Military conscription without the right to appeal

photo: Włodzimierz Wasyluk / / FORUM

“PiS MP Jan Warzecha drew attention in his parliamentary question to the lack of possibility of appealing against decisions on conscription for compulsory basic military service and military exercises. In this respect, he pointed to the provisions of the Act on the Defense of the Homeland. He added that persons conscripted for military service, including pregnant women or caregivers of bedridden persons, do not have the possibility of appealing against such decisions to an administrative court,” writes Friday's “Rzeczpospolita”.

The newspaper reports that the PiS MP asked whether the Ministry of National Defence is considering introducing changes to the regulations aimed at enabling appeals against decisions on conscription to military service.

“In accordance with the provisions of art. 122 sec. 3 of the Act on the Defense of the Homeland, a complaint to the competent administrative court cannot be filed, among others, against decisions on calling up to compulsory basic military service and calling up to participate in military exercises,” replied Deputy Minister of Defense Paweł Bejda, as reported to “Rz”. (PAP)

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