Samsung announced on Friday that it was releasing its Galaxy J2 Pro smartphone in South Korea, but buyers are cautious, You won’t be surfing the web on it.
According to the company, the so-called smartphone “blocks mobile data such as 3G, LTE, and Wi-Fi” to prevent students from getting easily distracted by social media or games. He also said that the phone is good for grandparents who aren’t interested in dipping his feet in the world of Twitter or Instagram.
The phone is offered in black and gold, is being touted by officials as a perfect device for learning English and Korean, because it contains “Diodic4” app. But don’t worry, you guys will still be able to make calls, send texts, take a few photos (maybe even a selfie or two) and shoot video, all for the low price of $185.
But wait, there’s more!
Students who have already passed the phone either by force or choice will be able to replace for Galaxy S, note or phone of the series after they took their 2019/2020 College Scholastic abilities test and the entrance examinations to College, adopted in South Korea.
A sense of shame, netizens blasted phone.
According to the verge, the phone can be even more strict as the one of the data plans limit the number of texts that you can send.
The company has not announced plans to sell the handset outside of South Korea.